Over the coming months The Sheffield Hallam Curators Forum will produce three events. Following the Freedonia Salon at Site Gallery, there will be a one-night event at Chelsea College of Art (UAL) on Monday 14th April 2008. This event will be part of an ongoing collaboration with MA curating students from Chelsea College of Art (UAL) and Essex University. The final exhibition in this series will take place at the END Gallery, Psalter Lane, Sheffield on Tuesday 6th - Saturday 10th May 2008. The curatorial concepts explored through these three events will be discussed and debated by invited artists, curators and SHCF in a live panel discussion at the END Gallery on Wednesday 7th May 2008.
*Lemon, LT et al. (1965) ‘Russian Formalist Criticism Four Essays’ University Press of Nebraska(1917) ‘Art as Technique’ is arguably one century later still a key text in a debate of the role of contemporary art.
Freedonia Salon was initiated in October 2007 by Michael Corris to provide an informal space for conversation about art between staff and invited students of Sheffield Hallam University. The Salon will continue with a programme of events during 2008.

RSVP: sheffieldhallamcuratorsforum@yahoo.co.uk
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